Tuesday, October 13, 2009


This is a special day to welcome lurkers and invite you to comment and join our community. Welcome!


Daisychain said...

Yayyyyyyyyy, hiya, Lash! I'm not a lurker, I'm me! You have a great blog!
Love n hugs, Daisy xxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Lash, Hi! I comment on Meow's blog but I keep up with you too.

Hermione said...


I'm not a lurker either, but a regular visitor to your blog, and enjoy your posts.
LOL day is so much fun!


A.S.S. said...

We're not lurkers... though pretty close. Do enjoy your blog though. Happy LOL Day!

~Todd & Suzy

Katia said...

Hi Lash,
I visited here often, but don't always leave a comment. I do enjoy the blog though.


ronnie said...

I'm not a lurker either Lash, I enjoy stopping here.


Bonnie said...

Hi Lash,

Thanks for joining the festivities!


Anonymous said...

Hey There, I probably don't count as a lurker but I am definitely the celebration fairy:) Happy Love Our Lurkers Day!

Anonymous said...

Happy LOL day Lash, thanks for being such a great HOH to Meow, you make for great reading! ~N

Lash said...

What a wonderful LOL Day! We all need to thank Bonnie and Hermione for their great effort.

Thank You! to all 9 commenters. Meow and I will be on a vacation for 5 days so we won't have a lot of time for blogs and comments.

Love to all, Lash

dazygal said...

Happy Belated LOL day! Always enjoy reading when you post and hearing about the fun you and Meow have in life.


Lash said...

Dazy, Thanks for dropping by and the kind words. Have a great weekend.

Hugs, Lash

Anonymous said...

Dear Lash,
I once tried to add your blog to my blog roll and it kept showing up as Meow's, so I gave up and (sorry) forgot about you. I just followed this link from another LOL day participant and I'll try again to link you. I do want to read your blog.

Anonymous said...

Hey! It worked this time, so you are linked on my blog now.
Belated happy LOL Day to you.

Lash said...

Great Mary Ann! Thanks for dropping by. I've realized that I spend a lot of time reading your blog and others but don't comment very much. I will correct that. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Lash